Our Services


We offer a complete range of measurement services on road, city, rail and airport.

ViaTech owns a comprehensive set of measurement systems , and can offer measurement services in the following subjects:

Målinger på friksjon, scanning og foto
Vi kan tilby en omfattende portefølje av målinger på veg, jernbane og flyplass.
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ViaTech has long experience with application development and can offer tailor-made solutions for analysing and reporting measured recorded data. ViaTech may perform any measurement tasks for your organisation, and support you with the resources you need. The shaping of future maintenance planning and measurement systems requires a process involving close cooperation with our customers. By understanding their challenges, we are able to define our mission and better support our customers with front-end technology. ViaTech can also offer measurement services, with world-class competence in areas such as laser scan technology, measuring systems, AI, mathematics and post processing systems. ViaTech has extensive experience with measurement of friction, pavement scanning, 3D mapping og photo.

Our location

ViaTech is a world-wide corporation. The map below shows some of our trade partners.